I am always grateful to be in Tanzania in one of the weeks leading up to Easter. The visit encourages me to reflect on the two competing themes of the tragic, beautiful holiday. Through our work I confront vivid illustrations of the brokenness of this world: poverty that shackles opportunity and erodes human dignity; drought-stricken dirt that refuses to yield crops; sickness and disease that cripple bodies and minds, turning children into orphans and grandparents into guardians; Dads who flee families, overwhelmed by the responsibility of feeding and clothing a home when employment is scarce.
Off we go!
Our bags are packed, our passports are in hand, and our hearts our full: we're flying out later this week for our eighth annual Board visit to Tanzania! We make this long trip every year for a few reasons: to maintain our relationships with our students, to ensure transparency in our operations, to provide accountability on both sides of the Atlantic, and to listen to and learn from our local partners who drive this organization. We're excited about several goals for our week in East Africa...
Top Ten Highlights of Tumaini's Year
Happy New Year from Tumaini Tanzania! Thank you for helping to make 2014 our students' best year yet. As we look ahead to an exciting 2015, we celebrate ten highlights of Tumaini's past year. If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation to Tumaini Tanzania before the year ends, please click the button below...
Spread Tumaini-Hope-This Holiday Season
Share the gift of hope--tumaini--this holiday season by making a donation in honor of your loved ones. We would be happy to provide you with Tumaini Tanzania greeting cards (featured above). Please visit our website to make a donation and send an email to if interested in cards. Also... Shopping online this year? Click on the button to use AmazonSmile, and 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to Tumaini Tanzania. (AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know--same products, same service--and allows you to support Tumaini Tanzania at no additional cost!)
Back to School!
Dear Team Tumaini,
As students here in the United States begin to turn their attention to another school year, so do our partners in East Africa. Thanks to your continued investment in Tumaini Tanzania, we are celebrating many exciting milestones as we prepare for the upcoming academic year. I am happy to share just a few of these highlights with you...
Upcoming Board Trip to Tanzania
Classes Begin
Tumaini Tanzania is excited for its students to begin a new school year! The students in Ordinary Level in secondary school in Sakila and Nkoanekoli start their classes this month. Tumaini Board members will travel to the region in March to check on our scholars and to welcome a new class of Form One students. Thank you to our local (all volunteer!) partners who are driving our efforts on the ground!
Thank You Charlotte Latin!
Tumaini Tanzania remains grateful to Charlotte Latin School for its enthusiastic support. CLS held an all-school assembly in late November to celebrate the tremendous work that all departments of the school have carried out to raise funds for the students in Tanzania. Lide Paterno, Founder of Tumaini, was honored to speak at the assembly, and was overwhelmed by the announcement that the school community had already raised over $25,000!
Give Tumaini (Hope) for the Holidays!
Dear Team Tumaini,
This holiday season, I am privileged to pass along the immense gratefulness of our friends in Tanzania. You have given these students, parents, and community partners the best and most lasting gift: tumaini (hope)...