Tumaini Gives Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving from Tumaini Tanzania! As the holiday season approaches, we are filled with gratitude for the many friends on both sides of the Atlantic who are committed to unlocking the potential of students in East Africa. We are especially thankful for the four teachers, featured below, who form Tumaini 's core leadership team in Tanzania. Msoffe, Mbwambo, Mayo, and Kiwale volunteer their time, finances, and energy to serve the young men and women of Tumaini Tanzania. I am continually inspired by their dedication to these students and to this organization -- they freely give their own resources to advance our mission simply because they love these kids and they see firsthand Tumaini's lasting impact. 

Will you please consider joining these compassionate educators in supporting our organization? Because we are an all-volunteer team, we can assure you that 100% of every dollar donated directly supports students whose lives are being transformed by the schooling your contributions make possible. Please follow this link to invest in the communities these teachers serve:

Donate. Invest in education. Give Hope.


Mbwambo has helped to leadTumaini since 2007, when he was a science teacher at the Sakila Secondary School. Three years ago he was promoted by the government to serve as the first Headmaster of the Nkoanekoli Secondary School, a beautiful new s…

Mbwambo has helped to leadTumaini since 2007, when he was a science teacher at the Sakila Secondary School. Three years ago he was promoted by the government to serve as the first Headmaster of the Nkoanekoli Secondary School, a beautiful new school in a village near Sakila that he has developed from the ground up. He is funny, imaginative, and loves to sing, and it has been a joy for us to watch him step into his new leadership position with poise, vision, and seriousness of purpose. His investment in Tumainiis inspired by the friend who sponsored his own education when he was a child. He and his wife have two adorable boys. 

Msoffe helped to start Tumaini in 2006. As the first Headmaster of the Sakila Secondary School, Msoffe has spearheaded the community-led construction of the school, transforming a grassy plain into a beautiful, flower-filled campus. He is a wis…

Msoffe helped to start Tumaini in 2006. As the first Headmaster of the Sakila Secondary School, Msoffe has spearheaded the community-led construction of the school, transforming a grassy plain into a beautiful, flower-filled campus. He is a wise, principled, quiet leader who commands the respect of everyone he meets. He never draws attention to himself or his accomplishments, instead always drawing out the best qualities in the people around him, especially the teachers who serve under him. He and his wife, a Headmistress of a school several hours away, have four children; he sacrifices living with his own family to care for Sakila's students.

Kiwale has helped to establish the Nkoanekoli Secondary School as its first head teacher. He is very smart and loves discussing current events; while he consistently demonstrates an eagerness to learn from others, his thoughtfulness and willingness …

Kiwale has helped to establish the Nkoanekoli Secondary School as its first head teacher. He is very smart and loves discussing current events; while he consistently demonstrates an eagerness to learn from others, his thoughtfulness and willingness to question the status quo have helped to shape our perspectives on many issues. Through his own hard work and as a testament to his leadership qualities, he secured a highly competitive Fulbright grant to spend last year teaching at a university in Louisiana. Because of his commitment to his Tanzanian students and his dedication toTumaini, he returned to his teaching post at Nkoanekoli this past summer

Mayo is Tumaini's main partner in Sakila, where he has been a dedicated teacher for several years. He is very creative, gentle, detail-oriented, and conscientious, acting with humility and purpose in all that he does. Soft spoken, Mayo never seeks r…

Mayo is Tumaini's main partner in Sakila, where he has been a dedicated teacher for several years. He is very creative, gentle, detail-oriented, and conscientious, acting with humility and purpose in all that he does. Soft spoken, Mayo never seeks recognition for himself, but constantly has an eye on tasks that need to be completed and on opportunities for our organization to improve, personally invested in everything Tumaini does. His faith motivates his compassion forTumaini's students, to whom he provides incessant encouragement. He and his wife, who works for a child-focused ministry in a nearby town, have two adorable daughters.