Charlotte Latin Partnership

We are honored and thrilled to announce that Charlotte Latin School (CLS) has selected Tumaini Tanzania as the beneficiary its All-School Service Project!  Reflecting its recognition of service as a centerpiece in its mission to encourage individual development and civility, every year the whole CLS community joins together to raise funds for, and generate awareness of, a particular cause.  The project will stretch over the entire school year, with a unique TK-12 (school-wide) assembly taking place just before Thanksgiving to highlight the effort.  The school has selected "Bridges of Hope" as the theme of the project to emphasize the connections between the aspirations of students in Charlotte and students in Tanzania.

We have really enjoyed working with the CLS students and staff.  We are humbled by their enthusiasm for this project, excited by the creativity they have shown in generating new forms of support, and encouraged by their commitment to this community that can seem so far away. We hope that this is just the beginning of a wonderful partnership that will provide future opportunities for CLS students and Tanzanian students to learn from and support each other. Special thanks to Jennie Stuart, John McGinnis, and Adam Windham, who have helped to lead this tremendous effort.